Booking a wedding live band in Kenya
Booking a wedding live band in Kenya
For most people, booking a wedding live band in Kenya is a first and one-time-only experience. As a result, most clients have no idea how live bands in Kenya work. How do live bands in Kenya set their price? Why do they charge what they charge?
Over the years we have noticed that wedding clients in Kenya almost always have a different expectation of the band. Both in terms of the price of a wedding live band and performance hours of a wedding live band in Kenya.
Booking a wedding live band in Kenya – Our Live Band at a wedding at the Bedelle in Runda – Nairobi Kenya
Common Questions asked when booking a wedding live band in Kenya:
- Why is booking a wedding live band in Kenya more expensive than a DJ?
- Your price includes the P.A system? We have already paid for a PA system. Can you use ours and reduce the price?
- Reduce your price. You won't even play much at the reception. There will be speeches kama kawaida…you know?
- The reception is 1pm – 4pm but si you can always extend till kedo 5pm?
- I was told by “restaurant XYZ" that you charge 40K, why are you charging me 120K for the wedding?
- A day before the wedding the band receives a text – “Play song X for my entrance then song Y for cake cutting then…"
Answers to Common Questions asked when booking a wedding live band in Kenya:
- For one the band has about 5 or more people performing whereas a DJ is by himself.
- The band has more equipment therefore higher costs of rehearsal, transportation, repairs and roadies.
- Optics – That extra premium of people playing RAW, LIVE instruments adds an edge to the event.
A band can certainly plug into a PA system and perform. But bands always use their PA system because it is optimised for the band's best sound. Bands need specialized EQs, AMPS, DI BOXES and MIXERS that they use regularly to have the best output.
It is also advisable to have the band use their own PA system to avoid them blaming their bad performance on someone else's PA system.
Tip on booking the PA/Sound System – To save on cost, book the band first and negotiate a good price. The band can provide you with a quality PA system which the DJ and MC can use.
***When booking a wedding live band in Kenya, remember: DJs can use band PA because they plug and play but the opposite can be problematic.
Let's imagine that you've booked a band from 1pm-2pm for 50,000 Kshs. The band will set aside that time for your event and will not take any booking during that time. If another client calls to book them at the same time period for 100,000 Kshs, they will have to decline that more lucrative offer.
The amount you pay is for booking the band for a certain time period. Your program is what will allow or deny them the opportunity to perform during that period. Price cannot reduce because the band has no chance to perform as a result of the program; the same way the band can't go for a more lucrative offer once they commit to your event.
Tip on utilizing the band hours– After booking a wedding live band in Kenya, to get value for your money, minimize speeches. You can also schedule the band to perform at a time when you are sure there won't be a lot of interactions. Whatever happens though, you will still get the value of aesthetics 
This is related to point number 3 above. Because your booking is from 1pm-2pm, the band can schedule another event before and after that period. We've had moments where a band has up to 4 events in a day.
They could be having a 10am – 11am gig, followed by yours 1pm – 2pm then another from 4pm-6/7pm. As a result, extensions may not be possible.
Tip on performance extensions – If you have a feeling that your guests will not keep time, always inform them that the event will start 1 hour before your actual planned time. So instead of asking guests to arrive at 1pm, have them arrive at 12midday.
Additionally, when booking a wedding live band in Kenya, set a stoppage allowance of plus(+) 1 hour to cater for delays. That way you won't need to ask the band to extend. So if you want the reception to end at 2pm, ask the band to be there from 1 – 3pm.
A gig at a restaurant is what bands call a “regular". These gigs are mostly undertaken as a marketing platform for the band. The band performs at the restaurant/bar regularly and uses that platform to show clients how good they are. They use that platform to network and get weddings, corporates and other well-paying gigs.
Restaurant/Bar gigs are frequent in nature and are paid out of the profits of selling drinks and food. This is a high risk engagement for the venue because the sales are never consistent. As a result, bands have to charge the venue a fee that is sustainable so that the gig continues for a long time.
A wedding on the other hand is a one-off event. Most often than not the band will never get business from the couple again.
The amount bands charge at weddings, corporates, parties and anniversaries is actually what the band is worth, not the bar/restaurant rate.
As a rule of thumb, try book a band at least 3 months before your ceremony. This will give the band ample time to practice your songs to perfection. If they get song requests too late, they may try to execute it but rest assured, it will not be as good as it should be.
Hopefully now when booking a wedding live band in Kenya you'll understand why they charge what they charge.
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